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Building a Safe Space through community collaborations

Updated: Feb 11, 2020

SOLS Health launched the CIMB Islamic Safe Space Programme (“Safe Space Programme”) in 2018 with the support of CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad. The Safe Space Programme consists of 5 initiatives with the objective to pioneer social inclusion through the implementation of community-based mental health services primarily to those from low-income communities in the Klang Valley.

The 5 initiatives mentioned above include:

  • ReachIn, an online platform that provides free and accessible mental health screening and resources, and connecting user to qualified mental health practitioners (

  • The Family & Youth Support Programme (FYSP), a programme that focuses on building parenting and communication skills to strengthen the relationship of parents and children/youth.

  • The Early & Interval Screening, Assessment and Treatment (EISAT), a programme that provides accessible mental health assessment and interventions for children and youths in marginalised communities.

  • The Executive Functioning (EF), a programme to develop the soft skills and study skills among the Orang Asli community and children from low-income housing communities.The SAT, Sexual Abuse & Trauma Services, a programme to train mental health practitioners specialising in trauma and abuse to enable survivors of trauma and abuse to have access to such services.

  • The Safe Space Programme has been successful in reaching out to children, youth, families living with general mental health challenges, developmental difficulties and survivors of trauma and abuse as well as educators and schools in these communities. Through supporters such as CIMB Islamic, adverse consequences of mental health issues could be greatly minimised to enable these communities to thrive.

As a pioneering programme, the Safe Space Programme paves the way in developing a collective network of mental health service providers, non-profit organisations, public healthcare service providers, community educators and leaders towards a common cause. We are thankful to our partners and stakeholders for their support, collaboration and advocacy in championing the importance of mental health for these communities in need.


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